Friday, November 4, 2011


Downtown Brooklyn Embraces the Global Greatness 
Visit Nicholas Book Store
560 Fulton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
That's right, you can get your Greatness from across the globe/any place on the Planet...
Watch the Video > click the link: <iframe width="560" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Intro:  <iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The Mission Statement of Pharonicorp...      
Pharonicorp believes humanity is endowed with spirit wholly good, and everything within our power and control should be done to bring out the best in our fellow man regardless of race, religion, nationality, or geographical location. This is the sole intent behind the Pharonicorp fashion line.  Fashion should be a medium through which our inner dwelling powers and wisdom is inspired to come forth from our consciousness. We should wear our best potential; this is why Artwork from the Nile Valley Dynasty is reflected. Through personal research; Pharonicorp, came to realize and experience the healing power of the ancient Egyptian Artwork. This is by in large facilitated through the proportional fractal mathematical arrangements in the shapes and colors of the ancient Egyptian artwork.  In other words, The Ancient Egyptian artwork is not art for the sake of art; on the contrary, it is art for the purpose of maximizing the human potential. This is why we coined the phrase “GET BACK TO GREATNESS", NO MORE SKULLS AND BONES, WE HAVE SCEPTERS AND THRONES." 
              <iframe width="560" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Realizing Symbols are beacons attracting energies which can be traced in all our Ancient Cultures, Pharonicorp now gives you the Power to Energize & Reconnect yourself today. There is always something new, check it out...  or check out

     The Symbol of Horus, because he is the Redeemer of Power & Glory; the son of OSIRIS & ISIS, he avenged the death of Osiris at the hands of Seth, his uncle.  This image represents Power & Triumph! Wear it Proudly and Empower your Mind!  

Reclaim Your Midas Touch, Wearing it Everyday!(not turning everything to gold)

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Direct contact:

Phone:            347-737-9697  mobile



Thank you for your support and stopping by.  
Please spread the word.  Peace!

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