Friday, June 17, 2011


     The people of Haiti are in need of swift and direct action to help scale back a mounting catastrophe.  Cholera is sweeping across the island with a fury and virulence never before seen.  Many are dying so rapidly after contracting the illness that medical professionals are stunned, and horrified by its destructive power, and potential.

The WHO (World Health Organization) estimates that by early 2011, there will be over 200,000 cases.  Perhaps over 1/4 will die. 

Cholera is not endemic to Haiti.  This particular strain is similar to a type only seen in Southern Asia.  It may have been brought by a regiment of UN troops from Nepal who suffered through a cholera outbreak several years ago in their country.

Others say it might even be more tragic, and sinister.  Whatever you believe, one thing is clear. 

They need our help immediately.

The only way to beat back this disease is to provide the people with a way to avoid it.  This is achieved by drinking uncontaminated clean water.

The Lifestraw filters are the easiest, least expensive, and most effective way to provide the Haitian people with a method to treat their water. 

The small filters can purify 1000 liters (one year's worth) and the larger family filter up to 18,000 liters. (enough to provide a family of FIVE with microbiologically clean water for FIVE years)

The goal of the lifestraw NOW! campaign is to assemble one million of these filters to ship and distribute in Haiti -- as rapidly as possible!

We CAN do this -- if YOU help.   Here's how you can --

1. Please pass this note on to everyone you can.  SPREAD THE WORD! 

2. Check our website for program information, then, contact us atLifestraw NOW! - if you'd like to help in any way.

It's that simple. 

There's no excuse.  Our effort is a coalition of concerned citizens from all walks of life, groups, religions and nations that want to help alleviate the pain of the suffering Haitian earthquake survivors.

We refuse to accept the fact that a preventable tragedy must continue to worsen.  If we have the will to work together, WE HAVE A WAY TO STOP THIS NOW!

This is MY pledge. 

It is also important to remember that what we do for Haiti, may someday what we might need to do for the USA, or anywhere on this planet!

Let's mobilize.  NOW!

I'm READY!  I hope you are too.

Aton Edwards

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